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Robert Bland, Proverbs
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1. Gallum habeas Amicum, non Vicinum.
Fr. Ayez le Francois pour ton ami, non pas pour ton voisin
Ayez le Francois pour ton ami, non pas pour ton voisin, have the French for your friend, not for your neighbour. But at this time, viz. 1812, it is as dangerous to have them for friends, as for neighbours, nothing being more fatal than to have the honour of being numbered among their associates, or allies, as under that title or pretence, they will take upon them the entire management of your country. The Apennines have not been found a sufficient barrier, to prevent their fraternising (a term they have adopted) with the Spaniards. In 1809, they invited the king of Spain, and his son, to their camp, pitched on the borders of the country, to adjust, as they pretended, some matters of difference between them, but, possessed of their persons, they transported them to the interior of France, where they have been detained ever since. In the mean while they have been carrying on a destructive war in Spain, treating the inhabitants who resisted them as rebels, and obliging many thousands of them to enter into their armies, and to fight for them in far distant countries. They have likewise given to Spain, as king, one of the brothers of Buonaparte, the present governor, or emperor, as he has forced the world to acknowledge him, of the French. The Spaniards, aided by the forces of this country, are making a vigorous opposition to them, and may they in the end be successful in driving them from their territories! An event, which is rather to be hoped than expected.
Fuente: Sinceri Germani, Epistola ad Ludovicum Seldenum.
2. Gallus in suo Sterquilinio plurimum potest.
Esp. Cada gallo canta en su muladar
Ing. Every cock will crow on his own dunghill
Cada gallo canta en su muladar, every cock will crow on his own dunghill. Every man finds himself courageous in his own house where he is surrounded by his family and friends, who will not suffer him to be oppressed. «As iron sharpeneth iron, so doth the countenance of a friend his neighbour».
Fuente: Erasmo, 3325.
3. Gutta cavat lapidem
Esp. Madruga y verás, trabaja y habrás
Ing. Oft little add to little, and the amount / Will swell, heaped atoms thus produce a mount
By the constant trickling of water, the solid stone becomes excavated. This should encourage us to perseverance in industry, to which few things are impossible. Madruga y verás, trabaja y avrás, rise betimes and you will see, labour assiduously and you will have.
«Oft little add to little, and the amount
Will swell, heaped atoms thus produce a mount».
Fuente: Erasmo, 2200.
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